22 May 2005


Writing by the warm glow
of a single candle - hand crafted in Bali -
a Christmas present from the kids

Using a fountain pen - cost price
from Paperchase in Covent Garden -
courtesy of Andrew

Sitting up in bed - a futon -
found - almost new - in a skip
by the vicarage in Kentish Town

Snug under a feather & down duvet
collected from the Argos in Gloucester
by Pip in her big red Saab

The comforting sound of rain on the
roof - redolent of some childhood time
the details of which I have forgotten

Although I now recall - or rather
feel - a holiday in Somerset -
perhaps my fondest memory

Beside the bed a stack of poetry - Zukofsky
(Deborah Birmingham 2002) - Herbert (myself
Manchester 1975) - Williams (Heron London 1992)

Leaning on a handsome new book -
A Quiet Life - by my friend
Pat Francis

Now the rain has stopped -
just the sound of my breathing
and these words in my head

Sitting & writing - entangled &
content - in & with - a life & world
of generosity & connectedness.