Anxiety unified the realm.
Brittle ideals and shards of glass.
Cripples prefer to choose.
Dwindling insincerity.
Edifying the rooftops with rancid glances.
Fields of lavender and clouds of pollution.
Grimaces define my stationery.
Hapless and helpless though hopeful.
Inspiring the world with sticky sweeteners.
Jeremy's petulance fractured our fraternity.
Kleptomaniacs accustomed to flat horizons.
Limpets relax and float free.
Most of us love cages.
Nightgowns in vigil.
Ostrich feathers sneezing into sail.
Penny Plain and simple technology.
Quarrelling quarries and querulous questions.
Richly rewarded with porous bones and succulent creepers.
Strangled for the sake of peace.
Taiji with fluttering flags.
Undressing you expands my mindset.
Vale of Glamorgan moves to the desert.
Whittle the penis with whetstone imbrications.
Xerxes vilely misrepresented by the gaoler.
Yo-yo's eternal return.
Zeal and crisp white linen changed my life.