18 Oct 2012


A guilty project. Peace and quiet. A contradiction made of seductions. Specific effects guaranteeing tranquility. Happiness and the doubtless. Everyone possesses the world. A possession that nothing should spoil. Also the failure of style. Speculative suffering is necessary. Indifferent to the unfolding of rational thought. The possibility of formation and logic. An accomplishment belied its incoherence. A system of concepts of deception. Drama frightens everyone. The danger of anxiety. The fear of everyone for themselves. Absorbing gravity. Behind the immediate an insecure culture dawns. Consciousness will not have a vocation. Prior to the message truth is born. What is the difference between fright and anxiety? Troubled by the head. Thinking about committing violence. A logical unfolding promises an end to the journey. The peace of identity transmitted. Understand the natural place. Sensible self-consciousness. Look into the mind. Origin of attention. Teaching object lessons in discovery. Beneath understanding. The process of breaking down. Life resonates in silence. The hammer blow acquiesces. The unique proposition of each couple. Liberated. There is a movement of everything. A question of charm, talent and superficiality. And then something happens. At twilight the targets are down. A sodden sound. A certain growing older. Something inside thickened. A wholly indifferent nature. As if suspended or hovering. Neither internal nor external. Paradoxes involve special things. Larger than tokens. Time eludes the present. Tolerate the separation. Distinction pertains on one condition. Allow me to love stories. Something white and different. Squeeze the work. Poised nimbly. On top it wasn't clear. Not enough light. Front edge deeply chipped. Thick shadows come to rest. Imperfections gratefully received. The reason was owned. And so it remains. A pot of stories with a twist. Squirm and then tell. It might erase this too. Break the agreement by telling something fundamental. Bring us life and work. We don't need stories after all. Centering on what is relevant. Everyday undermines a little. But it asks only to build a practical approach. It may become a foundation yet. I believe it can work. More than that. A rather complex set of questions. Equations. Point of departure. A means of travel. Simplicity too. As far as possible. A simple graphic set. Series of events. Unchanging would be akin. Even as it borrowed decisions. Draw upon works that are necessary. Variations in scale. We declined to be mindful in relation to one another. Perhaps the most influential. He worked after his death. The various elements were played. He took different ones. The process was similarly sensitive. A robust series of questions. This task was devised using a random number generator. A selected outline set by the staff. To open with between. Rather than spoken. Say nothing after all. Tremble with an unspeakable beauty. Laced with paradoxes. The fragility of different nature. Corporeal passions in danger. The event results in mixtures. Qualities of the body snapped up. An effect in danger of being. Mixtures escape relations. Their causes the causal connection and the link. The result of actions and passions. Sweet incorporeal preserve. Linked difference clearly at the surface. Itself subject to the one hand. Mixtures of contrary envelopes. A theory of surface ideas subjected to manifest physics. Pure inter-molecular modifications. A liquid point of view. The real ground depends on character. We have tried to conform. A paradoxical element intervened. It seemed that nonsense was operating. The full autonomy of the aleatory point. Falsity assured surface passion. Deep nonsense. Turn action into depth. The body's fragility falsifies its own. Autonomy is defined as the second place. Difference affirms affairs. A striking impenetrability. A passive impassibility. Sterility marks a state of affairs. Sense propositions appear as neutrality. Extracted from this angle. He grasped at the surface. He inherits the force. He haunts something productive. Maintains the moment. No reason to repeat. A two-fold path traces the expressed. Under conditions. We must understand power relations. Engender a manifestation. The power of genesis. Reconcile true and false. The kind of truth which merits. Suffice to say. The figure differs in nature. She hurls us into contradiction. Without ever resolving the opposition. The entire theory uncovered. This path and the thetic. Remembered or imagined? Move over. The beginning of consciousness. Also quite distinct. The nucleus of the object. Supremely intimate with her center. Nothing other than the relation. The object in its reality. A shift in intended meaning. The ultimate structure of the heart always returns. The fourth section. The passage from the problem to the verb. Sleight-of-hand.