23 Oct 2012


The whole apparatus is just waking up. A certain heart thumps and reckons. I believe in displacements and condensations. Assuming the outcome is extravagant. A most degraded picture regulates purification. The unconscious is an ecosystem. Often we read of erosion and hermeneutics. Forget the plane whilst sighing. Qualify rhetorical support. Questions lacking time. Forged between the intersection and the fall. A recent artifact overloads a prosthesis. A modern supplement of artifice. The structure of an unstable graft. Primarily synthetic. This parasitic archive renders culture first of all. The compost of language. A question is taking shape. Masterpieces of survival. In a constant state of recycling. Processes submit to the bacteria of language. The body anonymously assimilated. Practice the most intractable vigilance. A half-sleep destined for transformation. Follow an acute disjunction. A progressively coherent critique. Undo metaphors to combat presence. An organic unity filtered through hypotheses. I have never stopped urging. The question draws a rigorous borderline. Still of limited interest. The difficult remainder displaced. A rancorous beginning saved the formidable paradox. A perverse law of memory. A public initiative proposed honesty. People hurried to oblivion. A richer destiny. The prophet demonstrates a precipitous behind. It is my duty to respond. Richness and fertility have decisive stakes. Escape lucidity and good faith. Actions infinitely more culpable. A worrisome paradox. The heritage invoked by a striking absence. Athletes exemplified mastery over oneself. An essential wisdom mixed with moderation. Someone included his soul and such courage. Embody desire. Appropriated practices profoundly shared with musicians. Separation without doubt complex. Having already condemned mere poetry. Signals of modesty. An improper hubris. Wisdom inaugurates understanding. This essential limitation. Prudent breaches and distinctions. I stood closer to the truth. Germinal features in fine detail. Meditative local purposes. Behold these steep and lofty cliffs. Visible outlook of the lodged prospect. Interweave a dense pattern. A rhythm looping across wildly green boundaries. Transient sites of undomesticated origin. Tributary smoke confirms seasoned echoes. A plain romance kissed the theory. Whispering provoking traits. Two questions addressed in turn. The poetry was curiously large. Having fun with a local particle. The stranger alights. Formations received in the heyday. Subsequent openings. Once upon a time. Not only responsiveness but acts of difficulty. Fetishized approaches. Resist vulgar habituations. A conception of articulate autonomy. Modes and models begin to circulate. Relations construed as problematic. Unrelenting vision. A question of status. Formalism divorced from bodily experience. Disinterested perception. Uncovered and independent. Blind attack has sometimes been stoutly defended. Turning obscurity into a virtue. Fitful meanings. Desire as determining ground. The question is whether it's beautiful. Entertaining bodily pleasure. The work is to create yourself. Emotion in the same passage. The poetics of the threshold. A clear metamorphosis. Questions of newness and subjection. Emergence and embodiment. Latent and timeless. Unconscious governance is a movement. A continuous parallel. I seriously believe in temporalities. Supported by conclusive experiments. Natural affinities developing analogies. Discipline is seldom called upon. Transform the unclean body into a priceless jewel. Entrusting myself to unfathomable advantages. System routine in a ferment. Chaotic alternatives in external relations. Churning through the unfolding. Possibilities arrayed and liable. The blue-greens of tranquility. Calibrate anxiety. Habituation dampens response. Jump in rhythm.